Your 2024 Marketing Performance Tips and Tricks

Following these tips across your conversions and audiences for ads will help you get a better bang for your buck.

Connor Clements
Performance Team Lead
January 25, 2024

The Performance Team has put together some of our top tips for Google & Meta to keep in mind for 2024.

Google Tips and Tricks


It’s always good to check in if your conversions are correctly allocated as either primary or secondary. Too many primary conversions can confuse Google about what it is optimising towards. Remember, secondary conversions can be viewed in the “all conversions” reporting column and further broken down by segmenting by conversion action.

Offline conversion data

Staying on the theme of conversions, offline conversion data is a great way to ensure you’re measuring the true success of your campaigns. For any business focused on generating leads it’s great to measure how many form submissions you’re getting, but our advice is to set up offline conversions. This extra data may change what campaigns you see as most successful at gaining leads that turn into conversions and allows for more confidence in optimizing campaigns.

Using broad match to launch new campaigns

Launching new campaigns as exact match can require a lot of planning on what your successful keywords will be. One approach to speed up the learning of successful keywords is to start out with a broad match campaign using only a few of the most important keywords. From this campaign you can monitor what the most successful keywords & search terms are to then setup your more targeted exact match campaign with super relevant keywords & headlines.

Meta Tips and Tricks

10% Lookalikes audience

With the size of New Zealand we recommend starting with a 10% Lookalikes audience in most cases. These are great to test against any interest targeting you are doing. If you’re finding success then start trialing a narrower audience. Make sure to always exclude your customer list you build the lookalikes audience from, otherwise you will have an unintended retargeting layer in there.

Audience exclusions

If you’re finding yourself uploading a customer list to exclude from your audiences more often than you would like, you can solve this by creating audiences based off of pixel events. Our most created audiences we exclude from our campaigns are website visitors in the last 30 days, and converted in the last 30/60/90 days. Using this is a great way to ensure you aren’t serving ads to people who have already converted. 

That’s it from the performance corner for this edition of 232. We are looking forward to sharing more with you throughout 2024 and wish you all the best for your campaigns this year!

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