New Quarter Value: Mana Māui!!! ☀️✏️☀️✏️

As summer unfolds at Aro Digital, we're diving into the vibrant world of Mana Māui!

Aimée Sullivan
Creative Specialist
January 15, 2024

As we welcome in the summer at Aro Digital, our focus shifts to the new value of Mana Māui – a fusion of creativity, fun, and boldness!

Embracing Mana Māui means diving into a world where adventure and curiosity take centre stage! As we explore this value during the sunny months, let's discover how we can infuse energy and positivity into our lives, and the lives of those around us.

Just as Mana Tiaki guided us through winter, Mana Māui will serve as our compass for our mahi in the summer months, helping us to make the most of the season.

Here are some key aspects of Mana Māui we’re thinking about in 2024:

Innovation and Creativity:

Summer is the perfect time to unleash our creative energy! Whether it's brainstorming new ideas, exploring innovative solutions, or bringing a sense of playfulness into our projects, Mana Māui encourages us to think outside the box and bring a fresh perspective to our work.

Collaboration and Team Spirit:

Strengthening bonds within our team, sharing ideas, and fostering a sense of togetherness are at the heart of Mana Māui. Let's make the most of the sunny days to engage in team-building activities, outdoor meetings, or simply enjoying some kai together.

Adventure and Bold Exploration:

Summer is a time for bold adventures and exploration. At Aro, we’re trying out new activities, pushing boundaries, and  embarking on exciting projects, as Mana Māui encourages us to embrace the spirit of adventure. Join us, and take a step outside your comfort zone this summer!

Celebrating Success and Joy:

Mana Māui encourages us to celebrate successes, big or small. As we bask in the summer sun, let's take a moment to acknowledge achievements, share joyous experiences, and appreciate the positive impact of our collective efforts.

Here are a few easy ways you can embrace Mana Māui just like us!!!

  1. Organise Creative Workshops: Encourage team members to share their creative talents, like painting, music, or any other form of artistic expression. Create an environment that sparks innovation and inspiration. We love Pinot and Picasso, which are paint and sip workshops held throughout New Zealand. 
  2. Plan Outdoor Team-building Activities: Take advantage of the sunny weather to engage in outdoor team-building activities. This could include picnics, sports events, or even a day at the beach to foster team spirit. We’re lucky enough to have paddleboards at our office, but if you’re in Wellington, you could head to Fergs to get out on the water with your team. 
  3. Bold Ideas: Set up a meeting or workshop where team members can pitch bold ideas! Encourage creativity by providing a platform for everyone to share and explore innovative concepts. Maybe try using new tools to achieve this, like pens, paper, even paint! We use the decks by Emotional Culture Deck to help us have honest and vulnerable conversations. The opportunities are limitless!
  4. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate both individual and team achievements. Consider organising an event to highlight the successes of the last quarter, and celebrate your team.
  5. Eat well: December to January is Kohitātea, which refers to the gathering of summer fruits that are ready for picking at this time. We’ve been using this handy seasonality calendar from to find out what fruits are in season.

Now, let's hear how some of our team members are embracing Mana Māui this summer:

Aimée - Creative Specialist

"Summer brings a new burst of energy, and I channel that into my creative pursuits. Whether it's experimenting with new design styles or taking inspiration from the colours of the season, I find joy in bringing bright, bold new ideas into my work!!!"

Kasey - Creative Team Lead

"I come back to work with an abundance of creative ideas. I find that spending time with whānau and taking time to rest gives me the energy to start fresh things. I can think bigger and try wacky ideas informed by the lovely place we live in. This is my favourite time of year for work.”

Nick - Performance Specialist

“It’s all about adventure for me. Using the extra daylight for adventures and hitting the trails is a great way to stay active and unwind from work. At work there is a high chance of me sharing all the great new memes with the creative team that could work as fun ad angles.”

Nicole - HR and Finance Manager 

“Mana Māui is the perfect mindset to embrace the new year, summer is all about being curious, adventurous, bold and ambitious. I love using this time to connect with my friends and family and spending quality time with my kids.” 

As we bring Mana Māui into our workplace at Aro Digital, we invite you to join us in making this summer one we’ll never forget!

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