Bird of the Year is a special occasion, and what better way to mark the event than with a unique set of New Zealand bird emojis for your office Slack? These custom Aro Slack emojis allow you to showcase your love for your feathered friends while supporting the conservation of te taiao (the natural world) in Aotearoa.
New Zealand is renowned for its unique and diverse avian species, making Bird of the Year a much-anticipated event throughout the motu! One way we’re celebrating is with a special set of custom Slack emojis to join the flock of fans!

Using custom emojis on your office Slack channel is a fun and engaging way to celebrate Bird of the Year. Instead of using generic emojis, you can now choose from our selection of New Zealand bird emojis, each representing a unique feathered friend. You can even set your status to one of these cute little chicks!

Among the emojis, you'll find a variety of New Zealand bird species. From the iconic Kiwi to the adorable Takahē and the elegant Tūī, there's something for everyone.
Pick the bird that resonates with you the most and wear it as your digital badge of honour during Bird of the Year.

What makes these custom emojis even more special is their connection to the conservation of te taiao. By using these emojis, you are showing your support for the preservation of New Zealand's unique wildlife.

Getting these custom emojis for your Slack is a breeze. You can download the emoji set for free from our website. Once you've added them to your Slack workspace, you'll be ready to spread the Bird of the Year spirit to your colleagues.
To add them to your Slack channel, follow these helpful instructions.
Bird of the Year is a time for New Zealanders to come together and celebrate their unique birdlife. So, join the fun, choose your flighter, and let the feathers fly on Slack! 🐦🌿